Calling all thrill seekers for recreational 4-wheel driving in Melbourne!

Picture really big wheels, V8 engines and a serious adrenalin rush – then treat yourself to the ultimate recreational 4-wheel driving experience near Melbourne.

And where can you find this experience, you ask? Right here, at Ragged Edge 4×4’s custom-built off-road track at Avalon Raceway. It’s just a 40 minute drive down the highway from our state capital, but you can probably already hear the engines roaring.

So what are you waiting for? If you’re a thrill seeker with a taste for off-road adventure, come and join the fun. We’ve got amazing 4x4s and challenging tracks featuring sloping ravines, walls, rocky outcrops and vertical ledges. It’s exhilarating, addictive and so much fun, so test your off-road driving skills at our well-designed course.

Forget scenic country drives and picnics. Go for excitement, V8 grunt and glorious adventure and head to Ragged Edge.

Off-road adventures are fantastic. But if you head bush, you need to get organised and serious. Snorkels, snatch straps, winches and first aid kits are all in the mix. Or you could cut yourself some slack, head down the highway and relish a no-stress extravaganza of awesome recreational four-wheel driving near Melbourne.

Safety a priority at our recreational 4WD course

At Ragged Edge, we’re big on fun and excitement. But undercutting all that is our commitment to safety. Every participant gets a briefing from a Ragged Edge pro driver and a passenger lap with the expert at the wheel. They also have to wear harnesses and helmets. And every vehicle has a strong rollover protection structure.

Over the past year many of us have put our adventure hobbies, such as off-road driving trips, on hold due to COVID restrictions. We’ve been stuck at home more than we’d like. So it’s no wonder people are itching for some 4WD excitement.

Well, we’re here to help with our off-road playground. But you can rest assured, we take great care to abide by all the COVID regulations in order to keep people safe at Ragged Edge.

We offer four great driving experiences. These range from a taster package, where you drive one course, to a pro package, where you drive four tracks. The more tracks you drive the harder they get.

All we can say is, what are you waiting for? For high-adventure recreational 4-wheel driving Melbourne people can count on Ragged Edge for the ultimate experience. Contact our expert team today on 0428 737 864 or complete our online booking enquiry to join the fun.

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